The Sturgeon Moon, August full moon, rises over New York City on Thursday, August 11, 2022 at 9:35pm.
In the United States, full moon names follow Indigenous Native American traditions. This moon got its name because it rises at the time when Sturgeon fish can be caught in the lakes and rivers of the Northeast.
Sturgeon are renowned for their roe (eggs). Caviar is sturgeon roe.
Indigenous people are attached and adapted to the land where we live. We actually have a symbiotic, mutually beneficial, relationship with the land, and serve as guardians of nature. Given what we have done to Mother Earth, this relationship should be restored for the benefit of everyone.

This photo of the South Street Seaport from Brooklyn shows the old Pier 17. It used to house the Fulton Fish Market. It’s since been remodeled.
Back in the day, fish were kept alive in pens in the river.